making space for nothing
There is something so painstakingly difficult about prioritizing time to create in a production oriented society. Can it be monetized? Shouldn’t I share each creation, every moment of process with the world to prove that my time is being well spent? How many chores will I sacrifices for this time of silence, this quiet, this nothingness?
I know the value of space. Most of our bodies are made of spaces. We are interstitial beings with intracellular matrixes that need us to pause, to dispel the debris, to clear out the space junk. And as above, so it is below. Each organ in our body goes through this process when we’re in a state of homeostasis, each cell is regenerated only through a period of rest. There is proof of concept.
And yet, holding has become our collective habit. Holding our breath as we try to hold onto water. We avoid the stillness, maybe as a strategy to avoid grieving, to avoid letting it all go. It turns out, I have much to say about nothing.
Give space here in this moment to yourself, in the form of breath. Pause with me.
Breathe in.
Breath out.
And remember, creation is born of nothingness.