A Note on Pesticides
Neonictinoids are a class of pesticides and insecticides used worldwide. They are neuro-active compounds chemically similar to nicotine with widespread agricultural and horticultural application. The product was developed by scientists at Shell and Bayer in the 1980s and had been deemed safe for consistent and routine application.
Fast forward and here's what we now know about applying these pesticides:
🔔 These compounds affect our neural health and have outsized effects on our neurotransmission, which affects learning and memory processes, and increases prevalence and severity of neurodegenerative diseases.
🔔 Toxicity to humans occurs through application - a major concern for farm workers and landscape professionals - and through our environment, most notably our water supply.
🔔 Studies in rats (other mammals) show that exposure to even EPA deemed safe limits causes brain thinning in offspring. These exposure calculations are completed by manufacturers and then submitted to the EPA.
🔔 Toxicity is severe in critical insect populations (such as native bees) because the plant uptakes what is in the soil and it BECOMES toxic with concentrations of the chemical in its leaves, pollen and more.
🔔 Studies are showing a build up of soil toxicity with year over year application.
The Rain Barrel Effect is a concept that describes how our bodies accumulate toxins and stressors over time, similar to a rain barrel filling up until it overflows, with repeat exposure leading to chronic and debilitating health issues. This way of approaching environmental toxicity emphasizes the importance of making small, positive changes in our lifestyles to prevent this overflow and maintain overall health. If we apply this same line of thinking to our landscape management we would see the health of our green infrastructure improve drastically in a short time.
As an ecological landscaping company we won't use these products, or any close seconds. We hope more of our industry begins to follow the science on this topic.